Articles by JB

Putting the X in XMAS 2019

Yes, Christmas themed X-rated movies are a thing, and they have been since the dawn of film. We have in the Center for Sexual Expression and Education archives an explicit…

Sex Under the Tree

We just covered all the sexy things to wear at Christmas in our Decorate Yourself for Christmas article, but how about something to do once you get out of those…

Entertainment Spotlight

In and Out and In. That describes the back and forth of the Hallmark Channel. They bent to pressure from the viciously anti-gay One Million Moms, with a membership nowhere…

Decorating Yourself for Christmas 2019

While Halloween has become the popular dress in a sexy costume holiday, there are plenty of adult ways to dress up for Christmas as well. Once the children are all…

Sexy New Years 2020

There are events across the country that allow you to celebrate the New Year with varying levels of debauchery. We include events in Las Vegas, New York, Houston, Saint Louis,…

The Bells Don’t Ring For Us

We will be ignoring the little ringing bells of the Salvation Army this year. In the past, we’ve given them money. They were even founded by a Booth: William Booth…

Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator

This new Netflix documentary from filmmaker Eva Orner features a sexual predator you have probably never heard of. He has been convicted in civil court, but the criminal courts have…

Give the Gift of Erotic Jewelry

With Christmas on the way, you might want to consider the gift of jewelry- erotic jewelry.  Sure, you might not be quite up for the more flamboyant, such as the…

Nude and Erotic Calendars 2020

Nude calendars have been around since the early 1900s. The first documented nude calendar was printed in 1913. You can learn the fascinating story behind the painting used on that…

Sex Toys in Disguise

You might have sex toys in your nightstand, or carry them on a plane, or simply forget and leave them out. That could be embarrassing, unless, of course, your sex…