Our Solo Sex Quiz

This is based on the book The Ultimate Guide to Solo Sex by Jenny Block which we review today.


#1. Most women who masturbate do it:

#2. In 1902, this household appliance company introduced the first electric vibrator:

#3. According to an Adam and Eve survey, this percentage of women prefer masturbation to partnered sex:

#4. Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud felt that masturbation was:

#5. One of the oldest artifacts believed to have been used as a dildo is:

#6. In the 1936 book Diseases of Intimacy and Childhood, the author’s cure for female masturbation was:

#7. Scientifically speaking, there is no such thing as a:

#8. Legend has it that Cleopatra masturbated with:

#9. 9. Thirteenth century Saint Thomas Aquinas taught that:

#10. 10. The 20 percent of women who don’t masturbate are subject to:
