We got Tiki Surf Witches Want Blood for our Tiki Terror Halloween themed room, combining sex, Tiki and horror, although now I think it will reside in our permanent Tiki bar. It is both kitschy and sexy, but not all that horrifying. It is a Tiki themed cocktail recipe book with 10 concoctions, wrapped inside a comic with each recipe tied into that moment in the story. I found it both fun and clever.
Based on a design concept by Australian artist Steven Rhodes, it was written by Will Penny with illustrations by comic book artist Nik Poliwko. The cocktails are courtesy of renowned mixologist Joey Schmidt.
As ridiculous as the plot is, it is very true to the style of 1940s and 50s style sexploitation films that featured strange islands and topless, typically white, natives. Its surfer theme gives it a bit of a 1960s flair.
The movies have long played up the sexy aspects of Polynesia. There was Honeymoon in Bali (1939), Typhoon (1939), On the Isle of Samoa (1950), Beachhead (1954), and many others, all shot at one of my favorite tropical hangouts, The Los Angeles Arboretum (also the setting for Kay Perry’s Roar!).
Many films took advantage of what has become known as the “National Geographic Loophole.” Brown breasts were seen as less offensive than white breasts (but of course, in reality, no less delightful). This began in early films, including the 1926 Moana and the 1931 Tabu: A Story of the South Seas , and continued on into more modern films such as Rapa Nui (1994), which featured literally hundreds of brown bare breasts.
Two buddies take a trip to the remote island of Diablo to surf the amazing waves there. They encounter the local and all female (and topless) natives, who worship a dark god and solve disagreements with a surf-off. Cocktails are a local specialty, and an important feature of the comic.
You can get the cover art as a T-Shirt and as a Poster and even as a backpack.