Sex in Review Suspends Publication Temporarily

In light of one of the most serious crises we have faced in my lifetime, we will suspend publication at least until May 1st. Every year we go on hiatus during the month of April, so this really just adds a little bit to that.

The last time we suspended publication during a crises was right after 9-11. This is so much more serious than that. It effects the entire world, will reshape world economies, and no one knows what it will be like when we emerge from this.

Much of what we were working on makes no sense in light of the current reality. Our priorities needed to change. We have to focus, like everyone else, on how we are going to get through this.

Now is the time to focus on family and on making sure that we and those around us are safe. Perhaps not since World War II has daily life been so profoundly impacted. These are times when normally we would stay close to the people we love, and now we are told to stay away. That makes this all even more difficult.

Stay safe. Do what you need to do. Hopefully, we will see you on the other side of this, safe and healthy.