Even though there is an amazing amount of free porn on the Internet, there are a number of good reasons to pay for it. There are reasons both selfish and egalitarian. Here are a few of the top ones.
- First and foremost is that if nobody pays for porn, there won’t be any money to pay for new porn. Someday the available porn could look as dated as 70s porn now looks to us. No one wants that.
- I have been on many adult sets and met a lot of really nice people, including directors, cameramen, and performers. They all need to eat, which won’t happen if no one pays for porn.
- The quality of whatever porn that does get made will be much lower. One of the most talented directors in adult I know struggles to make a living at it. Quality porn that is both erotic and entertaining is going to be pretty rare when there is no financial incentive.
There was a lot of money to be made in porn in the days before there was so much for free. That is not the case today, and I don’t think we will see a return to that. Figuring out how to make money in the adult industry has gotten more difficult. Things like 3D porn never really took off. There is newer content shot in 4K which is interesting, but few people have the UHD monitors to fully appreciate it yet. DVD sales are way down.
Right now, I think your best value and investment in porn is with the all you can eat services. For a monthly subscription, you can view everything on their site.
There are services that are pay by the minute. We wrote about them in The Modern Peep Show back in April. The advantage with these services is that they offer a huge selection and a very wide variety. The major disadvantage is that you are always watching the clock.
The all you can eat services have a smaller selection, but that is not to say that they have a small selection. Most have so much content that it is overwhelming. Often they are studios that make everything their studio has put out available online. A good example is Evil Angel, which offers a huge selection of clips from their many years in business. We will be doing a full review of what they have to offer next month. If you like a specific company a lot, this is an inexpensive opportunity to peruse all of their stuff.
Years ago when I wrote adult video reviews, I would get a huge box full of DVDs to review, more than I could possibly look at, and that was just from one company. And they would keep coming. Writing reviews of adult videos was a difficult job, as most did not give you a lot to write about. I spent a lot of time trying figure out new and interesting ways to describe three positions and a come shot. On the plus side, I always had all the porn I could want. Having access to all of the contents of a studio through a streaming service has just the nice part of getting to watch whatever you want, without having to watch every scene which a reviewer has to do,which is not nearly as fun as you might think.
Most of the “all you can eat” streaming services team up with other partners to offer even more content. Some have a very specific theme, such as BDSM, or get even more specific, such as just videos of erotic massage. Just about anything you are interested in is available, and in huge quantities. Most also let you preview short clips from their site before you sign up, although they typically limit you to a set number of free clips.
The pricing varies dramatically, ranging from around $19.95 to $39.95, with some much cheaper. Many, but not all, let you download clips for that price as well as watch the videos streaming. They also offer a number of different formats and resolutions.
The one thing you do not want to do is access any of these services at work. Some people assume that going into private mode in their browser will protect them. That is foolishly naive. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer all have privacy modes, but they only keep your computer browser from storing your online activity. There are other ways to get this information, and if you are on a company network, everything is being logged on the server, privacy mode or not.
You can easily watch streaming porn on your television if you have a laptop with an HDMI connection. Go full screen and plug your laptop into your television. A better solution, though, is Google Chromecast. Log onto your porn site in the Chrome browser, and broadcast it to your television in full screen mode. This works pretty well. If you have Roku, there are subscription services from adult content providers like AEBN, AdultDVDEmpire, eXXXtasy, Hustler’s Barely Legal, Hustler’s Forbidden, ScoreTV, SugarInstant, and VideoBox. We’ll talk about these in a future article.
Each month we will review a different streaming service and go into detail about what it has to offer. We’ll describe the variety of content, the quality of the encoding, and the special features that are included.